Past Events

Past Events

Korean Studies Colloquium: "The Topography of Crime and the Desire to Tail: Detective Fiction in Colonial Korea"

- | Jooyeon Rhee, Pennsylvania State University 
Williams 623
More information HERE 

Japan Global Issues Film Series: "Shusenjo panel"

- | Miki Dezaki
Rainey Auditorium- Penn Museum
Register HERE

The “comfort women” issue is perhaps Japan’s most contentious present-day diplomatic quandary. Inside Japan, the issue is dividing the country across clear ideological lines. Supporters and detractors of “comfort…

Rethinking the 20th Century: “The ‘Grand Experiment’: Sato Eisaku and The Remaking of Postwar Japan”

- | Ryota Murai, Komazawa University 
Cohen 402
Register HERE 

Postwar Japan has been associated with the no war clause of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, promoted by Japanese signatory to the San Francisco Peace Treaty and US-Japan Security Treaty, Prime Minister…

CEAS East-Southeast Asia Colloquium: "Vietnam Between East and Southeast Asia"

- | Lien-Hang T. Nguyen, Columbia University
Annenberg 110
Register HERE

This talk explores the notion that Vietnam lies at the crossroads between East and Southeast Asia. Tracing the modern history of Vietnam to its current position in Asia, I argue that Vietnam's ambiguous position in…

CSCC Event: "Can China Stop Climate Change?"

- | Joanna Lewis, Georgetown University 
More information HERE 


CEAS ICEA Series: "Gender Ideology and Neofamilism: Gender, Marriage, Family, and Sexual Values in China"

- | Xiaoling Shu, UC Davis
Online via Zoom

It has been argued that development transforms people’s perceptions of meanings and choices of life and launches a shift away from prioritizing family interests over individual happiness and fulfillment.…

Korean Studies Colloquium: "Liberation Space Literature in Transwar East Asia"

- | Satoru Hashimoto, Johns Hopkins University 
Williams Hall 623
More information HERE 

CSCC Event: "Overlapping Peripheries: How Will India and China Navigate the Asian Century?"

- | Ambassador Shyam Saran, 26th Foreign Secretary of India 
Online via Zoom 
More information HERE

Rethinking the 20th Century: "Britain in the International History of Imperial Japan’s Surrender”

- | Futoshi Shibayama, Kwansei University 
Cohen 402
Register HERE

On the process of Imperial Japan’s surrender, we have Professor Tsuyoshi Hasegawa’s famous book, Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan (2006), and the famous debate between…

CEAS East-Southeast Asia Colloquium: "The First Theravada Buddhist Forum: The Opportunities and Costs of Buddhist Diplomacy to a Minority Sangha on China's SW Border"

- | Thomas Borchert, Professor, The University of Vermont 
Cohen 402
Register HERE

Thomas Borchert is a Professor of Religion at the University of Vermont. He has conducted research on Buddhism and politics, monasticism, discipline and Buddhist education in China, Thailand and Singapore. He is the…