
When Chinese and non-Chinese mention “China,” what do they mean? How China becomes China? This talk will discuss some key issues related to the idea of China from transnational and shared history perspectives.
Professor Xu Guoqi received Ph.D in history from Harvard University and is currently a professor of history at the University of Hong Kong. His single authored books in English include China and the Great War (Cambridge University Press), Olympic Dreams (Harvard University Press), Strangers on the Western Front: Chinese Workers in the Great War (Harvard University Press), Asia and the Great War: A Shared History (Oxford University Press); Chinese and Americans: A Shared History (Harvard University Press);and The Idea of China? A Shared History (under contract for Harvard University Press).
Professor Xu also publishes widely in Chinese. 中文著作包括《難問西東 集》、《邊緣人偶記》、《為文明出征》,《体育作为方法: 换一个角度看中国文明传统》。
Professor Xu is currently working on the following book projects: Sports and Modern Chinese Society (in English and under contract for Chinese University of Hong Kong Press); Becoming China: A Transnational and Shared History from 15th century to present (in English and under contract for Chinese University of Hong Kong Press).