
Penn Museum China-focused K-12 Professional Development Workshop

- | Widener Lecture Room/ Main Entrance, Penn Museum | 3260 South Street
Click HERE to register

A Closer Look: Learning about China K-12 Educators Professional Development Workshop

How can you maximize the Penn Museum as a resource to complement your classroom instruction about language and cultures, ancient and modern? Join the museum educators for a day of learning about our galleries, workshops, and other resources with a focus on Chinese artifacts and programs. We will be exploring the content and the skills that students gain from a museum visit, and how school-based educators can most effectively use these resources – before, after, and during a museum visit!

There is no cost, but educators should RSVP by June 6th. K-12 Educators will receive Acts 48 credits, lunch, and a parking pass* (a parking pass does not guarantee the availability of a parking spot, so please arrive early if planning to park in the Museum Parking Garage).