Hashimoto Kōji, dir. Return of Godzilla
The Return of Godzilla, released in Japan as Godzilla (ゴジラ, also known as Godzilla 1984), is a 1984 Japanese science fiction kaiju film directed by Koji Hashimoto and a reboot of Toho's Godzilla franchise. It is the 16th film in the franchise and the first film in the Heisei series, despite the film having been produced during the Shōwa period. The film serves as direct sequel to the original 1954 Godzilla film, completely ignoring the events of the Shōwa series, which saw the franchise return to the darker tone and themes of the 1954 film and returned Godzilla to his destructive antagonistic roots. Other than Godzilla series creator Tomoyuki Tanaka and special effects director Teruyoshi Nakano, few people involved in prior Godzilla productions were involved in the making of the film.