For Educators

East Asia in Schools

The Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Pennsylvania is a National Resource Center through the U.S. Department of Education. One of our responsibilities as a center is to organize various outreach programs that serve the local communities. We currently offer a program in which Penn professors present one-hour lectures to classes on a variety of topics pertaining to East Asia, at no cost to your school.

These topics can include, but are not limited to:

  • Ancient Chinese Thought
  • Japanese Theater
  • US-Japan Relations
  • East Asian Architecture
  • Music and Literature in Japan
  • Introduction to Korea

For more information and to request a speaker please contact the Center.

East Asia K-12 Educator Bulletin Board

The Center for East Asian Studies also maintains a bullentin board with information surrounding workshops, grants, and conference opportunities for East Asia-related educator. For more information, click here.