| Silverman Hall, Room 240B in the Penn Law School
Professor Jerome Cohen is the senior American expert on East Asian law. As Director of East Asian Legal Studies at Harvard Law School from 1964-1979, he helped pioneer the introduction of East Asian legal systems and…
The New Year's Gift left London in 1614 bound for points east, hopefully as far as Japan. It had on board a most unusual cargo. Having been set up in 1600 the English East India Company was experimenting with its…
| Silverman Hall, Room 240B in the Penn Law School
Li's talk will discuss the impact of international human rights on contemporary China followed by my observation on the reception of international human rights law into China's domestic law. Within that context…
As huge volumes of Buddhist literature were transmitted to China in the early medieval period, translators faced the challenge of rendering in a new language the wide range of Indian technical and scientific…
In 1960, Wu was condemned as a counterrevolutionary by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Due to his class background and political views, he spent 19 years in the Laogai- China's forced labor prison camps. After his…
The purpose of the lecture is to raise questions about boundaries and the images they created between Korea and Japan prior to the nineteenth century. The lecture opens with a broad survey of Korean-Japanese…
ASIA DAY 2012 is a one- day event is aimed to stimulate and pique high school students' interest in Asia and promote a better understanding of this region. The students not only gain valuable…
This paper examines the rehabilitation of General Im Kyŏngŏp, a seventeenth-century official in Chosŏn Korea. Im served variously under Ming, Qing, and Chosŏn command, at times even leading forces against a country…