Past Events

Past Events

The 20th Party Congress: Toward Personalistic Autarky?

Center for the Study of Contemporary China
Joseph Fewsmith, Professor of International Relations and Political Science, Boston University
- | CSCC Conference Room, PCPSE Room 418 | 133 S. 36th St

Freedom Undone: The Assault on Liberal Values and Institutions in Hong Kong

Center for the Study of Contemporary China
Michael Davis, Global Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
- | CSCC Conference Room, PCPSE Room 418 | 133 S. 36th St

Japan-South Korea: New Cooperation, Opportunities and Challenges in 2024

Issues in Contemporary East Asia
Junya Nishino, Keio University
- | Annenberg School for Communication 110 | 3620 Walnut Street

Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea saw a marked improvement in 2023, and strengthened, in parallel, the cooperative Japan-U.S.-South…

Women and Buddhism: The Case of Kim Iryŏp

Korean Studies Colloquium
Jin Y. Park, Professor and Chair, Department of Philosophy and Religion, American University
- | 3600 Market Street, Suite 310

This is a hybrid event. See here for more information.

The Domestic Sources of the Deterioration in US-China Relations

Center for the Study of Contemporary China
Da Wei, Professor of International Relations, Director of the Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University
- | CSCC Conference Room, PCPSE Room 418 | 133 S. 36th Street

See here for more information.

"Three Seasons" Film and Discussion

East Southeast Asia Colloquium
- | Huntsman Hall G50 | 3730 Walnut St

Nuclear Minds: Cold War Psychological Science and the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Humanities Colloquium
Ran Zwigenberg, Pennsylvania State University
- | Annenberg School for Communication 111 | 3620 Walnut Street

In 1945, researchers in Hiroshima with the US Strategic Bombing Survey canvassed survivors of the nuclear attack. This marked the beginning of global efforts—by psychiatrists, psychologists, and other social…

China's Gambit: The Calculus of Coercion

Center for the Study of Contemporary China
Ketian Zhang, Assistant Professor of International Security, George Mason University
- | CSCC Conference Room, PCPSE Room 418 | 133 S. 36th St

This is a hybrid event. See here for more information.

Lunar New Year Celebration (Seollal)

Kim Center Event
- | 3600 Market Street, Suite 310

This is an in-person event. See here for more information. 

Protestantism and the Modernization of China, 19th to 20th Centuries

Issues in Contemporary East Asia
Se Yan, Peking University
- | Annenberg School for Communication 111 | 3620 Walnut Street

We examine whether the spread of Protestantism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries had a persistent impact on China’s recent economic…