Past Events

Past Events

Korean Studies Colloquium: Ah Rim Park, "Rethinking Koguryŏ Tomb Murals: The Role of the Northern Cultural Zone and Eurasian Culture"

- | Stiteler Hall B21

Among different cultural elements which formed and developed Koguryŏ tomb murals, the so called "sŏyŏk 西域"(the western region) culture has not been fully explored yet. As part of the process of expanding the…

Pasha L. Hsieh, "The Law and Politics of Asia-Pacific Regionalism"

- | Silverman Hall 147, Law School

With the impasse in the WTO's Doha Round, the rapid proliferation of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) in the Asia-Pacific has had a profound influence on legal systems and geopolitics in the region.  This talk…

Gray Tuttle, "An Unknown Tradition: Borderland Han Chinese Converts to Tibetan Buddhism, 8th to 21st Centuries"

- | College Hall, 209

The focus of the talk will be the 1950s/1980s PRC survey work that generated a figure of somewhere between 100,000-200,000 Chinese adherents to Tibetan Buddhism in the Qinghai-Gansu borderlands. While these…

Exhibit and Symposium: "Representation and Religion: Integrating the Study of Japan from the Early Modern to the Contemporary"

- | Class of 1978 Pavilion, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center, sixth floor 3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA

Saturday, March 19, 10am - noon, Kislak Center, 6th floor, Van Pelt Library Early Modern Print Culture through a Japanese Prism: A Celebration

10:15 am…

Mary Elizabeth Berry lecture and reception, "Virtuous Consumption versus Iron Thrift: Market Trouble in Early Modern Japan (and Beyond)"

- | Cafe 58, Irvine Auditorium (3401 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA 19104)

Domestic consumption is vital to all market economies but became particularly important in Tokugawa Japan (1600-1868), given the heavy constraints on foreign trade and real estate transactions an capital formation.…

International Women's Day 2016: Global Perspectives on Women, Food Security and Agriculture

- | International House of PhiladelphiaSouth America Room, 2nd Floor3701 Chestnut Street,Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA

2016 is an important year for the future of agriculture and development. The new Sustainable Development Goals, or “SDGs”, will shape the next 15 years of policies, programs and funding. More than any other…

Yann-huei Song, "The South China Sea Dispute in the Philippines v. PRC Arbitration: Taiwan's Concern and Response"

- | 345 Fisher-Bennett Hall

The arbitration tribunal in the Philippines vs. PRC dispute over the South China Sea is likely to issue its final award later this year. The issues before the tribunal include China's claim to historic rights, the 9-…

James Farrer, Sophia University

- | Location TBA

James Farrer - "Shanghai Nightscapes: A Nocturnal Biography of a Global City"
Professor of Sociology
Sophia University…

Sun Joo Kim, Harvard University

- | Location TBA

Sun Joo Kim
Harvard-Yenching Professor of Korean History
Director, Korea Institute
Harvard University…

Morris Rossabi, Columbia University

- | Location TBA, Penn Museum