Past Events

Past Events

CSCC Speaker Series: Ruixue Jia "Access to Elite Education, Wage Premium and Social Mobility: The Truth and Illusion of China's College Entrance Exam"

- | CSCC conference room, Fisher-Bennett 345

Ruixue Jia, Assistant Professor of Economics, UC San Diego

Penn Media Scholars in China Capstone Presentations

- | Room 500, Annenberg School (3620 Walnut St)

Join us for the public capstone presentations by the 2017 Penn Media Scholars in China participants. Pizza will be served, so please RSVP here…

Noriko Manabe - “Representing Japan: Japanese hip-hop DJs, the global stage, and defining a ‘national’ style”

- | Cohen Hall Room 402

As non-African-Americans, Japanese popular musicians in jazz, rock, or other genres have often felt the need to prove their originality and authenticity to non-Japanese—an issue with which Japanese hip-hop DJs…

FPRI Asia Symposium: US Policy toward East Asia under the Trump Administration: A preliminary assessment

- | Perry World House (3803 Locust Walk)

Since becoming President, Donald Trump has held summits with Japan’s Premier Abe Shinzo and China’s President Xi Jinping that have been widely regarded as improving (dramatically in Japan’s case) potentially shaky…

Kim Program Undergraduate Fellow Research Symposium

- | Williams Hall, Room 543 Cherpack Lounge

Please join us in supporting our inaugural cohort of Kim Program Undergraduate Fellows at this showcase event that will highlight the academic achievements of the students. Morning refreshments and lunch will be…

East Asia Digital Humanities event: “Building a Corpus and Making it Work!”

- | Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center Room 626

In conjunction with the Price Lab for Digital Humanities, the Penn Libraries will be hosting a series of presentations titled, "Building a Corpus and Making it Work!" on the afternoon of Tuesday, May 2. This event…

James Joo-Jin Kim Program in Korean Studies Conference: "Korea on Trial: Law and Justice in the Face of Violence"

- | Claudia Cohen Hall, Room 337

At the bar of history, Korea can alternatively be called as a witness, an accused, or a plaintiff.

Peter Kornicki Distinguished East Asia Lecture - "The Shogun's Secretary: Hayashi Razan between Korea and Japan"

- | Stiteler Hall, B26

Co-sponsored with Penn Forum on Japan Third Thursday Series

Sara Newland, "Who Governs Multiethnic China?"

- | Fisher-Bennet 345

CSCC Speaker Series

Xixin Wang, “Observations on China’s Judicial Reforms”

- | CSCC conference room, Fisher-Bennett 345

Xixin Wang, Vice dean and Professor of Peking University Law School, was appointed as an Associate Chief Judge of Administrative Division of Supreme People's Court of China by NPC's Standing Committee in April 2015.…