
From Manuscript to Manga: Ainu Representation in Media

Opening Reception
- | Research Data & Digital Scholarship Exchange, first floor of the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center

The Ainu are the Indigenous peoples traditionally connected to the northern islands of Japan and parts of Russia. Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, American, European, and Japanese scholars collected objects, photographs, and stories from Ainu individuals and communities for non-Ainu audiences to encounter through museums, libraries, archives, and universities, like Penn’s. Today, Ainu authors, artists, and activists speak for themselves, their communities, and their heritage through a variety of different media, fueling political movements, cultural revitalization, and new opportunities for self-representation.  

Highlighting materials held by the Penn Libraries and the Penn Museum, including manuscripts, woodblock printed books, photographs, and comic books, this exhibit reflects upon the creators, modes, and influence of cultural representations of Indigenous peoples and indigeneity.  

Co-Curated by Stephen A. Lang, Keeper of the Asian Collection at the Penn Museum; Eri Mizukane, Assistant Director of Operations, Kislak Center; Rebecca Mendelson, Japanese Studies Librarian; and Deborah Stewart, Head, Penn Museum Library.

This is the opening reception for the exhibit that will be available from January 31-May 19, 2025. No registration is required.