
"How to write a comprehensive history of Medieval Central Asia?"

EALC Colloquium
Étienne de la Vaissière, École des Hautes Étude en Science Sociales (Paris)
- | 543 Williams Hall (Cherpack Lounge) | 255 S. 36th St, Philadelphia, PA 19104

The publication last year of Asie centrale 300-850 is an attempt to provide a total but detailed history of Early Medieval Central Asia, i.e. to deal in a few hundred pages with 9 million sq. km on more than 500 years with sources in 20 languages. I will try to present some of the main results of the book but also the conceptual framework underlying it, as such a period and space cannot be dealt without making use of some clear overarching concepts, for fear of being lost in thousands of intricacies.

Étienne de la Vaissière is a specialist in the economic and social history of Central Asia based at the École des Hautes Étude en Science Sociales in Paris

lunch will be provided