
"Three Seasons" Film and Discussion

East Southeast Asia Colloquium
- | Huntsman Hall G50 | 3730 Walnut St

Three Seasons is an award winning movie shot in Vietnam during Đổi Mới (Innovation) period. It was recently remastered and came back to the 40th anniversary of Sundance Film Festival in Jan 2024. It won the Grand Jury Prize, Audience Award and Cinematography Award at the 1999 Sundance Film Festival and two Independent Spirit Awards nominations.

Tony Bui is a writer, director and producer. He is the co-founder of LEAP (Lotus Entertainment and Arts Productions) which supports stories of diverse voices. His films include Yellow LotusThree SeasonsGreen Dragon and The Throwaways. His short film, Yellow Lotus, received over 15 national and international festival prizes. He is a recipient of the Humanitas Prize and a graduate of the Sundance Institute's Screenwriting and Directing Labs. He has written and developed projects for NBC, Warner Bros and HBO, and is currently developing a narrative feature film about Nick Ut's Pulitzer Prize winning "Napalm Girl" photo.

Tony has taught film directing at Loyola Marymount University and previously served on the Board of Directors of Film Independent, and is currently on the Global Advisory Board of Fulbright University Vietnam. Tony is currently Artist in Residence at Columbia University and teaching in the School of Arts graduate film program.

The event is presented by Penn Language Center, Penn Center for East Asian Studies, Penn Vietnamese Students’ Association, Penn Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, and Vietnamese Language Program at ASU. It is in-person for Penn and via zoom for ASU.