
One of the world’s best-known Uyghur scholars and an expert on the folklore and traditions of her native Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Rahile Dawut served as a visiting scholar at Penn in the early 2000s before being arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in China. This panel discussion, to be held over lunch, will discuss the work, impact, and imprisonment of Professor Dawut. Panelists and participants will include:
- Amy Gadsden, Associate Vice Provost for Global Initiatives and Executive Director of Penn China Initiatives, University of Pennsylvania (Moderator)
- Rayhan Asat, Uyghur Attorney and Human Rights Advocate
- Jacques deLisle, Stephen A. Cozen Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science; Director of the Center for the Study of Contemporary China, University of Pennsylvania
- Rebecca Clothey, Professor and Department Head, Global Studies and Modern Languages, Drexel University
- David Dettman, Associate Director, Center for East Asian Studies, University of Pennsylvania
Please note this event is RSVP only. Co-sponsored by Penn Global, Center for East Asian Studies, and Center for the Study of Contemporary China
RSVP via email to global@upenn.edu