Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Japan Reborn: Race, Sex, and Eugenics from Empire to Cold War

Japan Global Issues
Kristin Anne Roebuck, Cornell University
- | Williams Hall 543

In the late-imperial era circa World War II, Japanese touted themselves as a “mixed blood” people with a world-historical gift for assimilating diverse races. The konketusji or “mixed blood child” was widely…

Chinatown Cha-Cha film screening

Exploring the History of Chinese-American Women Nightclub Performers
Luka Yuanyuan Yang, Director, Lynette Shen, film scholar
- | Public Trust | 4017 Walnut St

Join us at the Public Trust for Chinatown Cha-Cha, a film screening exploring the history of Chinese-American women nightclub performers and their lasting cultural legacy, on Tuesday…

China and Climate Change: Transnational Science, Politics, and Policy in Historical Perspectives

Center for the Study of Contemporary China
Zuoyue Wang, Professor of History, California State Polytechnic University
- | CSCC Conference Room, PCPSE Room 418

Negotiating Legality: Chinese Companies in the US Legal System

Center for the Study of Contemporary China
Ji Li, John S. & Marilyn Long Chair of US-China Business and Law, UC Irvine
- | CSCC Conference Room, PCPSE Room 418

Matsumoto Toshio’s Antifascist Film-Philosophy

Humanities Colloquium
Julia Alekseyeva, University of Pennsylvania
- | College Hall 319, with lunch available in History Lounge 209 starting at 11:30am

This talk analyzes fiercely political filmmaker Matsumoto Toshio through the lens of…

Sang Young Park: Book Talk and Signing Event

Penn Korean Language Program
- | College Hall 319

Meet best-selling South Korean author Sang Young Park as he discusses his booker prize-longlisted novel, Love in the Big City -- a funny, surprising, and poignant tale of a…

Guanchang Meixue: Heart Distress and Aesthetic Attunement in China’s Bureaucracy

Center for the Study of Contemporary China
Jie Yang, Professor of Anthropology, Simon Fraser University
- | CSCC Conference Room, PCPSE Room 418

The Future of the South China Sea Dispute: Perspectives from the Philippines

Center for the Study of Contemporary China
Justice Antonio Carpio, Supreme Court of the Philippines
- | CSCC Conference Room, PCPSE Room 418


Center for the Study of Contemporary China
Elizabeth Wishnick, Senior Research Scholar, Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University
- | CSCC Conference Room, PCPSE Room 418

Organizational Histories as Sources for China Studies

Center for the Study of Contemporary China
- | CSCC Conference Room, PCPSE Room 418 | 133 S. 36th St