Opportunities for Regional K-16 Educators

August 31, 2023

Fall 2023 NCTA Alumni Online Book Discussion Group: "Pure Invention: How Japan Made the Modern World, by Matt Alt." 

Online, asynchronus book discusson group, September 10-December 17, 2023. This fall, NCTA Alumna Cindy McNulty will lead a free asynchronus discussion group for NCTA alumni educators on the book Pure Invetion: How Japan Made the Modern World, by Matt Alt. Tokyo-based writer Alt examines how anime, Hello Kitty, karaoke, and the Walkman transformed how we consume entertainent and reshaped global culture in the process. This disussion group will be conduted asynchronously beginning September 10, 2023, and will continue through December 17 using the Proboards Discussion Board site (a more detailed schedule will be sent once registration has closed). For Pennsylvania teachers, completion of this book discussion will be worth fourteen Act 48 hours. For teachers in other states, we can provide you with a certificate of completion and/or a personal letter from the instructor. All participants will receive a complimentary copy of the book. This discussion group is for NCTA alumni in the University of Pittsburg Coordinating Site region (PA, OH, MI, WV, MD, AL, MN, DE, LA, IL, KY). Registration deadline: August 25, 2023 or until book group fills. See here for more information.

Webinar: Japanese Government and Politics, with Dr. Lauren McKee, author. 

Online Webinar, September 14, 2023, 7-8pm EST. Join our colleagues at the Five College Center for East Asian Studies NCTA for a webinar focusing on the newly released, Japanese Government and Politics, part of the Key Issues in Asian Studies series with the author Dr. Lauren McKee. See here to register.