Penn's first Tsagaan sar celebration

February 10, 2019

On Sunday February 10th, 2019 CEAS, EALC, and friends from the Mongolian Cultural Center of Washington, DC organized Penn's 1st annual Tsagaan Sar (Mongolian Lunar New Year) celebration. The event drew over 100 guests: Penn faculty, students, and community members from around the Philadelphia region. Professor Christopher Atwood opened the event with the cultural and historical background of the holiday, and Penn Mongolian language teacher Dashdulam Otgon had her language students perform a Mongolian pop song. The MCC brought a large group of professional and student performers, including singers, dancers, and a horsehead fiddle musician, for a very well-rounded cultural program. Organizers also prepared a spread of Mongolian New Year foods for guests to sample alongside traditional milk tea. Thanks to Professor Atwood, Dashdulam Otgon, and the MCC!