Spring 2022

Courses listed at Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations

ASAM-313-401 The Chinese Body (SNF Paideia Program Course)

ARTH-381-401 Cinema and Socialism

BEPP-289-401 Economic Globalization: Policy, History and Contemporary Issues

CIMS-102-401 World Film History 1945-Present

COMM-203-401 Media, Culture & Society in Contemporary China

GSWS-165-401 The Asian Caribbean

HCMG-204-001 Comparative Health Care Systems

HIST-097-601 History of Modern China

HIST-160-001 Strategy, Policy and War

HSOC-239-601 Global Health: Anthropological Perspectives

INTR-290-017 The Tangled Web: National Competitiveness and Security in NE Asia (PGS)

PSCI-229-301 China's Political Economy

PSCI-259-301 Chinese Foreign Policy

PSCI-398-307 Can China Change Climate Change? 

PSCI 498-304 Japanese Politics in Global Context

SOCI-249-301 Coming of Age East Asia: Work, Love and Independence 

WRIT-012-302 Writing Sem Global Studies: Scientific Nationalism in Japan (PGS)