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Nawruz (Nowruz) Celebration

Persian and Central Asian celebration of the Spring Equinox
- | Arch 208 3601 Locust Walk

Nawruz (Nowruz) is often described simply as "Persian" or "Iranian" New Year,…

Rethinking Authenticity in Korean Language Education

2nd Pedagogy Workshop for Korean Language Teachers in Philadelphia
- | Williams Hall 623 255 S. 36th Street

Guest Speaker: Sun-Hee Lee, Wellesley College

Governing by Elections? Self-Polishing, Gender Regimes, and Campaigning in Mongolia

Cosponsored with East Asian Languages and Civilizations
Manduhai Buyandelger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- | Williams 421 255 S. 36th St.

In Mongolia, elections run the country instead of the country running its elections.


The Center for East Asian Studies supports the study of East Asia at Penn and to the Philadelphia community.

FLAS Fellowships

FLAS fellowships are the centerpiece of CEAS’ promotion of East Asia Studies across campus and will total nearly $1 million over the current funding cycle (2022-26). This year (2024-25), CEAS is supporting four summer (3 Chinese, 1 Cantonese) and nine academic year FLAS awards (2 Chinese, 5 Japanese, 1 Korean, 1 Mongolian).